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My name is Srinithi Ravichandran. I have 7 years of experience working as QA engineer focusing on testing network switches/routers.
I am currently a student of UC Berkeley Full Stack coding Bootcamp. I have a passion for web development.


Know Your Government

This project is to display a list of governement representatives upon entering the user's address. It is build using HTML, CSS Bulma framework, Jquery, API's request/response handling.

Github Demo -->
Code Quiz App

This application generates quiz dynamically using HTML, CSS and Javascript. Final scores will be displayed and can be stored on local storage for viewing later.

Github Demo
Weather Dashboard

This application displays the weather data for any city that the user wants to view using openWeatherAPI. The user can search for any city to view the current weather and 5 day forecast. This application is built using HTML, CSS, jQuery, Serverside API call request/repsonse handling.

Github Demo

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